Inspiring girls to pursue 21st-century science, math, 工程, and tech skills
在21世纪, 科学的STEM科目, 技术, 工程和数学(STEM)至关重要. 在福克斯克罗夫特,他们也很有趣. You might learn physics by coding a Sphero robot to move through a maze or improve your computer skills by creating an arcade game. Put on a hard hat and see how engineers, architects, and contractors build a new dorm. 在我们的STEM俱乐部设计一架无人机.
Research shows that attending an all-girls school affects students’ interest and success in STEM fields.* Here’s a look at graduates of independent girls’ schools as compared to girls who graduated from coed independent schools:
更有可能 主修数学, science & 技术
更有可能 要考虑的 工程职业
更有信心 in their 计算机能力
更有信心 in their 数学能力
At Foxcroft, more than 30 percent of recent graduates chose STEM fields as their majors in college.
- Ianna 24岁
“在福克斯克罗夫特,个人的好奇心是没有限制的. In fact they provide numerous opportunities for students to pursue their passions and surround themselves with people who support them in that endeavor.”
“Our school is leading the way in STEM education for girls by encouraging our students in record numbers to participate in computer science.”
–Betsy A. 21年,计算机科学专业
“The support I received at Foxcroft was really what made me so sure I would major in computer science. I had so much determination and passion for programming that there was no class that could scare me away. 我把这种态度归因于福克斯克罗夫特!”
2月8日. Holden Thorp came to Foxcroft to explain his career and answer our eager scientific questions. Dr. Thorp is on the faculty at George Washington University and the editor-in-chief of the Science 期刊家族. Dr. 索普解释说,他对发表在《dt电子游戏app》上的所有文章都有最终审批权 Science journal. 在文章提交给他之前,他们要经过几位同行评审. 大约有12000篇文章被发送到 Science,但只有700人到达. 并发表在杂志上.
福克斯克罗夫特将在周六接待多达40支女队, 2月24日, 参加“STEAM驱动”STEM挑战赛. 专为初高中学生设计, 来自弗吉尼亚的女孩将参加比赛, Maryland, 和华盛顿, DC, 利用他们的科学知识, 技术, 工程, and math to participate in challenges around helping a group of scientists who were transported back in time and need to use the 技术 available to figure out how to return home.
上个星期天, 福克斯克罗夫特机器人团队前往哈里森堡, VA, 参加他们本赛季的第一场比赛. 福克斯克罗夫特参加 第一科技挑战赛, which provides a framework for students to develop their design, building, and coding skills. 在秋季学期,几个团队成员参加了机器人独立研究, 一些人还在运动训练时间每周见面三天. 而他们的教练Mr. 诺斯鲁普在场, the students worked independently to solve the challenges presented to them by the competition.
10月20日, alumna Alex Carr ’12 shared her “Design yOUR Future at Foxcroft” story with the campus community during Morning Meeting. 热心倡导可持续发展和环境保护, 卡尔为骑行场地立足点行业提供环保解决方案. ArenaMend, 她和父亲一起创建的公司, 最近赢得了在大赛道上更新福克斯克罗夫特户外赛马场的竞标.
福克斯克罗夫特准备建造火星蒸汽翼, we are excited to launch our Project STEAM Build Seminar in collaboration with building and design firm Hord Coplan Macht and members of their Project Design Team (Architects, 室内设计师, 景观建筑师, 可持续发展和健康专家, 和工程顾问)及其施工团队(项目经理), 项目工程师, 成本估计).
Katie Hergenreder是一名私人教师, 教学助理, and radiation oncology research assistant at the University of Maryland Medical Center before joining the Foxcroft faculty in 2016 to teach physics and math and run the Learning Center’s STEM Lab. She also teaches Animal Science and Equine Science as part of the Animal Science Concentration program which Katie developed and coordinates.
Katie’s STEM skills and interests include computer programming and robotics along with math and physics. She is also a Tae Kwon Do black belt and was a member of the University of Maryland's Equestrian Club, 担任课程主任. 她赢得了她的M.Ed. 2021年夏天从范德比尔特皮博迪学院毕业.
梅根·塔特尔从家乡加州洛杉矶来到福克斯克罗夫特. She received her bachelor’s degree in 2002 from the University of Southern California in classical voice with a minor in neuroscience. While continuing her professional work as a classical musician, Meghen pursued a Ph.D. 在神经科学(2014)博士的指导下. 安东尼奥和汉娜·达马西奥. Her doctoral studies at USC's Brain and Creativity Institute focused on the broad field of music neuroscience, 最后是她的论文, 题为《太阳城电子app》.”
在研究生院期间,梅根发现了她对教学的热情, through 12 semesters of teaching labs and discussion sections for USC undergraduates, 多场客座讲座, 做一名教育顾问. 梅根坚信这一点, 而初步研究是至关重要的, 传达研究的相关性, 无论是在教育环境中,还是在学术界象牙塔之外, 如果一个人希望在社会上有所作为,是绝对关键的吗.
梅根于2014年8月加入福克斯克罗夫特学院,教授生物学, 美联社生物学, 以及几门神经科学选修课. In 2016, she added Wellness Education Coordinator to her portfolio and now also teaches the Freshman Wellness class; leads specialized Wellness seminars for New Girls, 二年级的学生, juniors, and seniors; and identifies and brings in Wellness speakers for the community, 除此之外. Meghen organizes the annual Wellness Weekend and is constantly planning new Wellness offerings to further the development of this vibrant program.
她住在斯图尔特宿舍, 她在那里当宿舍管理员, 和她的丈夫杰伊·塔特尔, son Jack, and dog, 路易十四.
Rylee目前教授微积分预科和AP微积分BC, 虽然她在福克斯克罗夫特教过各种数学课. She also coaches dance and teaches the brand-new elective Fundamentals in Dance Technique. 作为舞蹈老师, she has worked to provide opportunities for her students both to perform and to watch professional performances. 致力于她自己的技术, she spends much of each summer attending dance training workshops where she gathers new ideas and information that she can bring back home to Foxcroft.
詹姆斯·斯威尼在马里兰州长大, 曾就读于南卡罗来纳州的科克大学, 他在那里学习数学和计算机科学, 然后在南卡罗莱纳大学继续他的学业, 攻读博士学位.D. 在数学方面. After graduation, he taught at Coker for three years before coming to Foxcroft in 2021.
Dr. Sweeney教授AP微积分和代数II & 三角函数, 足球教练(毕生爱好), 是雷诺兹大学宿舍团队的一员, 他和他的妻子和他们的两条狗住在哪里. He's enthusiastically embraced the all-encompassing nature of living and working at Foxcroft!
出生于西班牙港, Trinidad, 哈扎尔·穆罕默德从8岁起就一直住在美国. While he calls Florida home, he has taught in South Carolina, Alabama, and now Virginia. During his seventeen years of teaching, he has taught in public, charter, and private schools.
当他不教书的时候,你可以在最近的保龄球馆找到他. 保龄球是一项运动, 如果你不这么说, he will most likely sit you down and have a brief conversation extolling the many intricacies of said sport. 在他休息的时候, he is most likely trying to justify buying another book for his collection even though he already has a sizable backlog. 但他确实都读了. 最终.
哈扎尔·穆罕默德今年将成为狄龙的宿舍家长, and is looking forward to getting to know the students better and learning all of the myriad traditions of Foxcroft. 他对狐狸和猎犬的区别仍然有点困惑. 但希望时间会纠正这一点.
Sonny Capaccio从他的家乡康涅狄格州来到Foxcroft, 后的生活, teaching, 他一生的大部分时间都在那里表演. 他是巴德学院的校友,在那里他获得了B.A. 专攻古典声乐表演. 桑尼还获得了拉丁美洲和伊比利亚研究的学位. 在整个大学及以后, he was an instructor and eventually center director of an extracurricular math learning center.