庆祝青年艺术月, Foxcroft will participate with other local schools in a collective exhibit at the 艺术ists in Middleburg Gallery from March 23-31. 今年, students were invited to contribute handmade items to a Maker's Mart with the theme “Dream in 艺术.” All sales will support the 艺术ists in Middleburg’s mission to uplift artists and makers of all ages and abilities, 尤其是年轻人. 开幕酒会将于3月23日(星期六)下午1时至3时举行. Please come out in support of the arts and leave with a reminder that dreams and imagination are crucial parts of a young person’s education and well-being.
1月11日, the Foxcroft Mainstage and Technical Theater classes took the stage for the first of three performances of 汉密尔顿阴谋论. 作者:特里·史密斯,来自弗吉尼亚州阿什本的StageCoach剧院, 汉密尔顿阴谋论 is a gripping murder mystery that delves into the intriguing web of theories surrounding the untimely demise of Alexander Hamilton.
上星期五晚上, 一群才华横溢的学生唱歌, 跳舞, and entertained a packed FoxHound Auditorium during the “London Calling” fall revue. The scene was stunning, the audience was attentive, and the performances were incredible.
Foxcroft最近加入 的如帽般的, a writing and awards program that trains high school theater and journalism students to be expert writers, 至关重要的思想家, 和领导人. Nine students attended a regional Cappies training at Stone Bridge High School last week, where they trained as theater critics — discussing and learning about theater production. The students will continue to put their training to work by attending and reviewing each other's shows this year.
朱莉 费雪 joins Foxcroft's 美术 Department as the Digital 艺术s Instructor. 在她的角色中, 朱莉将教摄影课, 在我们新的创客空间进行监督和教学, 并赞助年鉴. 自2005年以来, 她一直在教授各种级别的摄影, 第一条和第二条, 在汉诺威郡的阿特利高中学习图形学, VA, where she also served as 美术 Department Chair and National 艺术 Honor Society Sponsor. One of her accomplishments was implementing an International Baccalaureate program in 视觉艺术 and Photography at the school.
朱莉得了B.F.A. in Studio 艺术 with a concentration in photography at James Madison University and earned an M.F.A. 新罕布什尔州艺术学院摄影专业毕业. 她继续追求专业水平的艺术, showing her work at a variety of galleries and art centers on the East Coast. Her art combines her interests in photography technique and family genealogies, and our students will benefit from this interdisciplinary approach combining art and history.
朱莉, her husband Rick, and their two children, Rick and Allie, will reside on campus.
出生在伊利诺伊州, 卡琳毕业于Naperville, 并在罗杰威廉姆斯大学获得了学士学位, 她在哪里磨练了她对表演和导演的热情. 卡琳 came to Foxcroft in 1997 to teach music and has enjoyed wearing many other hats since then, 比如美术系主任, 雷诺兹宿舍团队的一员, 为无数俱乐部提供建议, 教学剧院, 工作室艺术和数字图形, 为年鉴工作人员提供建议, 指导JV网球, 最后但并非最不重要的是, 指挥圣诞游行.
卡琳 lives on campus with her husband, David, their son Sam, and daughter Krissa. 他们还和三只狗和两只鸟住在一起. In her spare time, 卡琳 enjoys reading, antiquing, drawing, and doing several DIY projects at once.
金妮得了个M.F.A. in Film Production from Boston University and brings her expertise in videography to the Communications and 美术 departments. She lived in Los Angeles for six years where she worked as a camera assistant on feature films, 音乐视频, 然后去了Panavision, 一家全球电影和电视摄像机出租公司.
在进入研究生院之前, 金妮 earned a degree in Communication from Virginia Tech and worked in the Advancement Department at Foxcroft. 九年之后,她回到了东海岸和福克斯克罗夫特. 她和她的小狗露西住在校园里. She likes to read, watch TV, play soccer, hike, and visit Disneyland and the beach.
古斯塔夫森说目前教授微积分预科和AP微积分BC, 虽然她在福克斯克罗夫特教过各种数学课. She also coaches 跳舞 and teaches the brand-new elective Fundamentals in Dance Technique. 作为舞蹈老师, she has worked to provide opportunities for her students both to perform and to watch professional performances. 致力于她自己的技术, she spends much of each summer attending 跳舞 training workshops where she gathers new ideas and information that she can bring back home to Foxcroft.
娘娘腔的男人 has taught art classes for 30 years and enjoys the new 有创意的 adventures every year. Ms. 斯威特也有戏剧背景,她曾执导过戏剧, 设计集, 并在社区剧院演出. She enjoys travel, the outdoors, animals, photography, and floral design.
Ms. 甜蜜的’s 教学 philosophy is that “Every child has a gift or talent to share. It is my job and honor to find that passion within each student at Foxcroft and help them dip into their heart and create something beautiful. 我力求创新, 有创意的, and engaging curriculum to help Foxcroft students reach their full potential.”
Sonny Capaccio从他的家乡康涅狄格州来到Foxcroft, 后的生活, 教学, 他一生的大部分时间都在那里表演. 他是巴德学院的校友,在那里他获得了B.A. 专攻古典声乐表演. 桑尼还获得了拉丁美洲和伊比利亚研究的学位. 在整个大学及以后, he was an instructor and eventually center director of an extracurricular math learning center.
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北弗吉尼亚的一所女子寄宿走读学校, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. 我们优秀的学术课程提供具有挑战性的课程, 包括大学先修课程和创新的阀杆项目. 我们的马术节目是全国公认的, 我们的运动队赢得了会议和州冠军. 体验最好的女子寄宿学校:参观福克斯克罗夫特.